Trevor Noah Education Change Makers: Reflection 1

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I used to watch Trevor Noah stand up comedy. I loved how intellectual his comedy is. When he joined The Daily Show, I became a faithful follower online. I loved how he reasoned out questions asked to him, told stories like a real professor with a PhD. Then how he switches accents, knows more than three languages, easily connects with everyone he meets (my favorite was one with Busta Rhymes and another with President Obama). It’s like he does his homework and delivers the best.

As I was still enjoying his comedy, an opportunity showed up, Trevor Noah Education Change Makers. I saw the link posted by Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) just after watching his clip when he said that teachers had the coolest job in the world. In another video he said, “I want to be part of world where teaching is a cool job to have because it is a necessary job to have.”
I felt his talks deeply because education is through which we shape the society we desire. As a lifelong learner, I applied, was interviewed and selected to be part of the program. 88 education change makers were selected from 14 East and Central African countries out of the thousands of applications.

After arriving in Nairobi,Kenyatta University , we had our orientation and immediately travelled to Lukenya for team building. Now, that was my first true test of my abilities. I climbed up a pole, walked on a string and had a free fall, all supported by another team on the ground. I don’t know how high that pole was probably over 10 times higher than my height. I used to avoid such activities but it’s one of the best things to do to overcome fear, and comfort zone syndrome. I learnt one lesson, to be limitless. We dived into leadership, diversity, issues in contemporary education among others. I have a lot of information about education in Uganda. I was honoured to know about education in other countries. Majority of our challenges and strengths are similar. Indeed we are brothers and sisters. Then the line of speakers who joined us and even offer to say a word or two to us, showering us with unmatched wisdom. This is something I longed for as an educator. The mentorship, the practical  training, the fun in class,  the school visits, to mention but a few.

During the school visit, I interacted with a student who expressed her biggest challenge as algebra, I took the opportunity to give her a few tips and tricks like I always do with my learners. She felt happy. Everyone one has a turning point in life, I hope our interaction was that moment for her in Algebra and mindset shift. I have already noted to ideas to improve and/or apply back home for the learners and teachers we train.

I feel honored and grateful to be part of this program. I wish I had an opportunity to meet Trevor Noah and thank him for entertaining and investing in educators (us). To all employers out there, give your employees a chance when they qualify for such developmental programs. It’s to benefit both the organization and the employee. Don’t limit their growth and yours too.
It’s the end of the first week of the program and I feel there are so many opportunities for us to fix our continent. As Dr. Wanjira says,”this is Africa, Africa is my business.”
Therefore, this is Africa, Africa is my business.

Tr Basemera Stella Maris week 1 journey

One response to “Trevor Noah Education Change Makers: Reflection 1”

  1. Stella Nakaweesi Avatar
    Stella Nakaweesi

    This is great.


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